
Items with custom printing (which includes player prints, own name prints, sleeve patches and Totally Wicked logos) cannot be exchanged or refunded unless the product is faulty.  Furthermore if a player changes his number at any time BRFC cannot offer a refund or an exchange on this shirt (this does not affect your statutory rights).

Personalisation of Replica Kit

We reserve the right to refuse to print shirts that we deem offensive or abusive. An operator will contact you to discuss your choice and, if necessary, request an alternative. Please note this may delay delivery of your shirt. 


Customers should be aware that sizing may vary from previous Replica kits. Please ensure you obtain the correct size before printing as we are unable to exchange or refund after letters and/or numbers have been applied to personalise your item.  We cannot accept liability for any changes to players names and numbers due to transfers or a player deciding to change number or leave the club.

Please note that the price charged for shirt printing applies to up to 12 letters and 2 Numbers, however this is dependant on the size of shirt requested as not all sizes will accommodate 12 letters. If this is the case an operator will contact you to discuss your choice and, if necessary, request an alternative.

Sleeve Badges: Please note that we have two versions of sleeve badges, an adult and junior version and these will be applied accordingly when purchased. 


Washing Instructions

In order to preserve your personalisation, we advise that personalised shirts are washed inside out and without fabric conditioner. Do not wash within the first 48 hours of application.